Thursday, December 11, 2014

15 Things I've Learned at Liberty University

Since I just finished my 5th semester in college, I figured I'd let you in on a few tricks of the trade.

1. Don't be afraid to cry when your parents leave

I cried, everyone I saw around me cried, all my friends cried, every movie you've ever seen they cry. Everyone cries when they leave their parents. It's a scary time to be left alone in a new place surrounded by people you don't know. Hug them hard, shed some tears, and walk into your dorm. No one is going to think less of you. All upperclassmen have been throughout and all the freshmen are probably still doing it. To be honest, I cry almost every August when they drop me off. It's okay.

2. Be a girl who can hangout with girls

I get it, sometimes, guys make better friends. Yea, they have less drama and are less whiny, but you need to make good girl friends. You don't want to get labeled as one of "those girls" who's constantly surrounded by boys and needs male attention all the time. The first few weeks of freshmen year is the EASIEST time to make girl friends. All you girls need friends and are willing to be way nicer than usual to get them. Use this time to get to know people, but especially girls, on your hall, in you classes, and around campus. This is NOT to say you CAN'T have guy friends, but make sure you've got your girls first. One day you'll need bridesmaids.

3. Go to activities and put yourself out there

So the first few weeks suck, but make it less sucky by going to dorm events. Your dorm will do things specifically for you to make friends. Remember, the other people there are also going because they don't know anyone. Go, be yourself, be confident, and have fun. You will make friends if you put yourself out there.

4. Don't blow your Meal Dollars in the first weeks

Okay so here at Liberty University we have a thing called Flames Cash. This Flames Cash can be used at food places across the campus, but also off campus. It's only $200 for the whole semester, so use it wisely. Eat the free food at the Rot as much as possible, even if it's not as good. That $200 is going to disappear quickly if you're getting Starbucks everyday. Be aware how much your using and be careful how you spend it.

5. Don't expect to marry the first guy you meet

He isn't the one. Trust me. He isn't. I know you want to meet "the one", but the first cute guy you saw across the campus isn't him. He might not even be here. Chill out. I saw way too many girls end up with hurt feelings within the first 2 weeks of being here because that guy they talked to one time didn't end up wanting to marry them.

6. Dressing up for early classes gets old very quickly

There's always that one girl who walks into every class, no matter how early, looking like a 10. I always wished I could be that girl, but I liked sleep a lot. Don't get me wrong, looking like a bum gets old too. Make yourself presentable, but don't worry about worry those 4 inch heels everyday. My favorite thing to wear to early classes was a t-shirt, sweater, and jeans, with some makeup on and my hair down. It's the perfect combination between looking presentable, but also being comfortable.

7.  Speaking of early classes, avoid them at ALL cost

Okay, at all cost is a little drastic, but seriously. I've only met 1 girl in the 3 years I've been here who actually enjoyed early classes. When signing up for classes you always think, well my high school started at 8, so I can take a 7:40, it's only 20 minutes earlier. That may be true, but you have not accounted for the late nights you'll be pulling. Sometimes you'll be up till 2 studying for that test you have tomorrow and sometimes you'll get hooked on Gossip Girl on Netflix and end up watching it till 3am (and yes, I am speaking from personal experience).

8. Find friends who make you want to be a better person.

Even at the largest Christian University in the world, there is a huge underground population of us who engage in all the sinful pleasures of the world. Instead of looking for and befriending those people, find friends who are going to make you volunteer, get closer to the Lord, go to church every Sunday, ask you serious life-questions, and overall spur you on to be better. These are the kinds of friends you need, not the ones who are getting trashed every weekend. Yeah, this is a time to have fun, but it's also a time to get professional. No one is going to hire you with those pictures on Facebook.

9. Don't be afraid to drift away from your high school friends

I had a lot of friends in high school, but after graduation it was hard holding on to them. When August came, we all moved on with our lives. They went on to attend other universities and made new friends and so did I. I ended up with about 5 or so friends that I had in high school that I still talk to on a regular basis. All my other friends I've talked to a handful of times within the last 2 1/2 years. So don't freak out when the people you used to talk to everyday stop texting, skyping, and calling you. It's a natural occurrence and you're going to make brand new friends at college. Catch up with those friends from high school every now and then, it's great to hear what they've been up to, but don't be hurt when you drift apart.

10. Find new things you like to do

When I first came to college, I thought I knew what I liked and didn't like. Because of this, I never really tried anything new. I would only play sports if it was volleyball and I would only go see a movie if I was looking forward to seeing it. Since realizing that I hadn't tried anything new, I've went snowboarding, kayaking, played and watched ultimate frisbee, watched scary movies, and went to concerts. Not that I hated all these things before, but I started saying "yes" to things I would normally say "no" to. And honestly, it has been so rewarding. I discovered a lot about myself when I decided to do things that made me uncomfortable.

11. Learn to love hiking

Disclaimer: I am NOT outdoorsy. I am and have labeled myself "indoorsy."
Okay, so this one is a little sarcastic, but I think it's hilarious. If you didn't know, Liberty U is surrounded by mountains, so what better to do then climb them ALL? At some point in your college career, when you get a good groups of guy and girl friends, you'll be asked to hike. Even if you would rather wax your legs than hike, you should go. I'm not going to lie, it's going to suck. It's literally walking up a super big hill in hopes that you'll reach the top and it won't be cloudy and you'll be able to see something.  BUT it's a great bonding experience. You'll be closer to your friends afterward and it'll be a great memory. Also, the best profile pictures come from the tops of mountain, it makes you look super active, even if you're not.

12. Choose a University that cares about you

Something I really love about Liberty is that I don't feel like a number. Many of the professors here take the time to get to know each of the students here. When I first came to college, I thought it would be awkward to go to a professor's office and talk about an assignment, test, or just life in general. This semester I've learned that the professors want to get to know you. They want to know where you come from and what you like. I really encourage you to look for a university that not only loves the Lord, but loves you. Liberty is so great about that, we have at least 20 offices that want to take of you, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They want to see you succeed on more than a financial level. It's very comforting to know that I am being well taken care of, even under the stressful situations I am in.

13. Study hard

This seems like an obvious one, doesn't it? But you'd be surprised by how many students come here and fail because they just didn't realize they needed to study. When I was in high school, I very rarely studied, and still made A's in my classes. So when I came to college I was hit by the freight train of studying. Ever since then, I've been finding new ways to learn the information needed in my class. Don't take classes lightly, they are actually why you came here to begin with. C's may get degrees but they also lose scholarships, so work hard.

14. Get an "Introduce Yourself" speech down

Throughout your 4+ years of college, you will introduce yourself a minimum of 300 times. You do it all the time. These are the questions you will be answering: 1) What's your name? 2)What's your major? 3)Where are you from? 4)What year are you? 5) What do you plan to do when you graduate?
Learn the answers to these 5 questions and stick with them, they will come in handy. They seem easy enough but if you've changed your major 3 times or you moved around a lot as a kid, you don't really know the answers to them. Decide what you want to tell complete strangers because you'll end up telling 300 people throughout your time at college.

15. Take time to talk to people who aren't like you

This one is a personal favorite of mine. I have a particular skill to find the outcasts in a room and befriend them. If you actually know me, you'll know that I am pretty much a basic white chick, meaning, I shop mostly at Old Navy, listen to Top 40 Radio, and drink Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Being that as it may, I love getting to know different people. I've made friends with so many "different" kinds of people. Don't be afraid to go outside your "norm" of friends and find people who introduce you to anime, or video games, or robots, or abstract art, or skateboarding. You don't have to like everything they introduce you to, but be the kind of person who will listen and empathize.

I've learned so much more about myself from spending time away from home and out of my home town. I'm blessed for the opportunity the Lord has given me to go to an amazing University like Liberty.
Fan the Flames.


To My Future Favorite Guy:

To My Future Favorite Guy,

I've waited a long time for you.

I can't wait to see your vibrant relationship with our Savior. I hope that is the first thing I notice about you. I can't wait to hear all about your journey, how you came to the Lord and how your life has changed since meeting Him. I'm praying for you on a daily basis. I pray that God builds you up to be the man you should be, because He sure is transforming me.

I can't wait to see what books you like to read. What you read, and how often you do it, says a lot about you. Reading is one of my favorite things to do so, even if it isn't your favorite, promise you'll give it a shot. I promise you that I will read, and try to enjoy, your favorite book, even if it's a cheesy Western.

I can't wait to take you out to meet my friends. I know you'll fit in and make yourself comfortable with them, just like I will with your friends. I can't wait to see you mingle and hold your own, even in uncomfortable and awkward situations. You'll have that charm that lights up a room and the ability to make everyone feel like a somebody.

I can't wait to travel with you. I know you'll want to see the world just as much as I do. I don't care where we go, as long as we go together. I know we'll have the best time doing any and everything. Also, let's go to Disney World, okay?

I can't wait to hear your laugh. I'm pretty funny, ya know, so you should be ready to laugh often. But seriously, I can't wait to hear those "I can't breath" belly laughs that may result from too much caffeine and too little sleep. I know you'll make me laugh with your quick-witted, sharp humor that makes me want to catch every word.

I can't wait for you to challenge me. I know you won't just let me win every petty argument because you love me. You'll be just as intelligent and stubborn as I am and fight with me every step of the way. The challenge you'll offer will lead to compromises that we are both willing to live with.

I can't wait for those deep late-night talks where we really get to know each other. I know you will accept all of me and that I will be honest with you with no fear of rejection. You'll smile when I smile and hold my hand when the story gets dark.It's in those intense moments where our relationship will grow. Don't get scared and back away when those moments present themselves. Walk toward me because I'm walking toward you.

I can't wait for the surprises you'll bring into my life. I can plan and expect certain thingsfrom you, but you will add so much more. I hope you're just as quirky, awkward, and weird as I am, but if you're Prince Charming, ya know, I'm not complaining.

There are so many things I'm looking forward to experiencing with you. Although I have no clue where you are, I'm really excited to meet you. You aren't a "perfect" man or some Nicholas Sparks' romance novel hero, I know you'll fail, but I also know that a real man picks himself up and pushes on.

But what I want you to know is that I'm praying that I'll be the woman you need. 
I pray the Lord is sharpening me today for what you will need in the future. I pray the Lord fills me with Him so that His presence is what draws us together.

And if you never show up, well, the Lord is still good. I will learn to flourish in the ground where I am planted. 
