Monday, January 26, 2015

Straight Shooting

The other day I was having a frustrated talk with my roommate and the conversation went something like this:

Jo: Some guys are so stupid. Why don't they realize that girls would go out with them if they just asked?

Me: I have no idea. If I was a guy, I would ask girls to coffee all the time, just for fun. No commitment, no risk. 

Jo: And very rarely would a girl say no to a normal guy. There are a few occasions when she knows she's not interested, but most of the time she's down to try it. 

Now, this is not the first time I've had this conversation, and it most likely will not be the last. I've had conversation and conversation with my girl friends, especially in the past year, that revolve around "Why won't he just ask? Why do I feel like I'm pursuing this? If he'd ask, I would say yes."

I'm not saying this is all guys, there are the few, brave souls who don't fit this stereotype, and let me tell you, ladies are very thankful for you.

But this got me thinking: what if guys don't ask because no one is telling them that they should. . So I'm going to tell you, you should
I'm a straight shooter and I try to be honest and clear as much as possible so again, Guys, you should ask her.

Like I said, there is no commitment and no risk. It's not even an official date. It's a sign of interest at the most, but nothing else.
And we're all adults here, right?
If you don't show your interest, then you'll be quick to lose her. And if you like her and you lose her, you'll regret it.

But when you ask her: be confident and be considerate. 
Nothing is more attractive than a guy who lays it right out on the table, especially because that is so lacking nowadays. Be straightforward with her.
If you want to get to know her and see where it goes, be honest with her. And if she isn't interested, hopefully she's classy enough to save you both the embarrassment and let you down easily.

And if you find out 10 minutes into this pre-arranged, one-on-one hangout session (I'm avoiding using "date") that you're not interested, tell her once the time is over. Don't leave her suspended in the revolving door of "does he like me?" and "does he want to see me again?".
I'm sure you've been there before and it sucks, for both parties involved.

Now, before the feminists get me, women, you can ask him out too if you want.
I'm not going to even touch that subject right now.
But I personally don't like that for me and the guys I'm interested in. I like feeling like a lady and pursuing a man just doesn't make me feel very lady-like-ish. Call me a Southern Belle if you want, but it was how I was raised.

I like to see a guy put himself out there and ask me. Vulnerability and genuineness are cherished and looked for in any relationship.
When a guy can humble himself enough to admit to being interested in spending one-on-one time together, he gains at least 18 points in my book, even if I didn't have very much interest in
him before.

So on behalf of the girls who are frustrated with your lack of gumption, I'm telling you to step outside of your comfort zone and give it a chance. It'll be worth it one day.