But today is Thanksgiving! Literally I want to give thanks for the things and people I already have.
Last night I found myself getting distracted thinking about all the things I wanted for Christmas, then God smacked me in the forehead and told me to look at the clock. Literally it was 12:15 am. It was Thanksgiving and here I was desiring more stuff; stuff that I will love for 3 months, a year tops, and the newness will wear off. And the cycle continues.
I'm thankful for my family, immediate, extended, and adopted. They have never stopped believing, encouraging, and loving me. They are always there for hugs and smiles and "I love you"s. Each of them mean so much to me and I would do anything for me. I've been very blessed with a godly home to grow up in and a safe place to come back to.
I'm thankful for my friends. New and old, at home and at college. Each of them is so very different and holds a special place in my heart. Some are there for encouragement, some for speaking truth, some for humbling, and some for building me up. Some of them are there for laughs and others have made me cry. I've had such a good group of friends throughout my life and my world would not be as colorful without them.
I'm thankful for my country. Yeah, we're not perfect and I don't always agree with the leadership, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. As Americans, we have been given such a blessing to worship God without fear of bodily harm. We have freedoms that many countries around the world do not have and we often take them for granted.
I'm thankful for my church. I've grown up in this church and I've loved every second of it. They are like my second family and I know that many of them would do anything to help one another. We are so close as a church body and it has been wonderful watching us grow and watching God bless in amazing ways.
I'm thankful for my university. I love Liberty U and the environment we have there. I'm thankful that we take our faith seriously and don't just put Christian on the sign as a tradition. I have loved my time there and I have loved the people I've met there. It's such a friendly and safe environment that is so rare in today's society. I love the education I have received there and the constant pushing of myself I have to do to excel.
I'm thankful for my home. It's such a blessing to come home to a warm house with food on the table and clothes in my closet. I've been abundantly blessed with cars to drive and money to spend. There are so many people in this world that have so much less and I so often take this blessing for granted.
And most importantly:
I'm thankful for my SAVIOR.
I'm thankful that the Lord Jesus came to earth to save a sinner like me. I'm thankful He didn't give up on me when I was dirty and stinky. I'm so thankful for what the Lord is doing right now in my life. It's easy to become discouraged when I don't see immediate fruit, but I must continue to give thanks. I thank God for bringing me to a place in my life where I am being humble and shaped each day.
I have so much more to be thankful for, I don't have the time or the mental capabilities to name it all. I'm challenging myself to pay more attention to the good things the Lord has already given, instead of being consumed by what I don't have. Today and for the rest of my life.
What are you thankful for?