Those days when I feel discontent, disappointed, and distracted from what the Lord has told me is my purpose.
Honestly, writing this post is even taking a considerable amount of concentration.
Lately I've found myself looking around at what others have and turning into a little green monster.
I know I shouldn't, but I find myself getting frustrated with God when I don't get exactly what I expect when I expect it.
As Christians, we have all this head-knowledge about Christ and how He came to give us an abundantly full life, as mentioned in John 10:10, but what does that actually mean when I don't feel like I'm living the abundant life?
Well first, I have to identify why I'm feeling discontent, disappointed, or distracted.
I'm going to be honest with you, most of the time it's because I've spent far too long on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, (insert social media here), and I've forgotten that social media isn't real life.
Social Media is the highlight reel.
Think about it. You put engagements, the cutest baby pictures, your 50th selfie that is just right, and your puppy-love status on Facebook for the world to see.
What you don't put is your ugliest pictures, your mental breakdowns, or your family drama.
When I take too long looking at what others have, I forget how blessed I am right now.
When I start day-dreaming about the future, I remind myself that God has placed me here for a reason.
I'm in this time of life because He decided I should be.
The God of the Universe decided I should be here, going to school, feeling like a mess, serving 60 girls on my hall, and trying and failing to do 300 things a day.
When the Lord places you somewhere, it's not about just surviving. It's about thriving.
So what do I do when I don't feel like it?
I laugh.
I smile.
I serve.
I listen.
I obey.
I trust.
I walk.
I push forward for the glory of God.
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